
Between Air, Clay and Wood of Certain Flutes

Between Air, Clay and Wood of Certain Flutes is an interdisciplinary project that brought together outstanding artists from Chile, Uruguay, Brazil, Guatemala, France, Italy, England, Scotland and Singapore for the creation of an audiovisual installation, at the Norman Rea Gallery, York, during January and February 2021. Due to the pandemic, visits were restricted. For this reason, the authors, recorder player Carmen Troncoso and visual artist Richard Kearns, decided to make a digital version drawing upon the same elements present in the installation, replicating that immersive experience. Richard Kearns developed the idea using a Unity gaming platform. Juan Francisco Troncoso modelled flutes in 3D, and Carmen Troncoso recorded the soundtrack with different flutes.

Explore the virtual environment Between Air, Clay and Woods of Certain Flutes

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In this virtual version* of Between Air Clay and Woods of certain Flutes you can explore an island forest, find the flutes that grow there and experience the project’s unique audio created by Carmen Troncoso in collaboration with the composers Sergio Cornejo, Felipe Cussen, Jean-Christophe Rosaz, Desmond Clarke, Guillermo Eisner and Lynette Quek.

*This virtual version of the installation Between Air, Clay and Woods of Certain Flutes was financed by Ibermúsicas, a cooperation program exclusively dedicated to the Ibero-American music sector.

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© Música Contemporánea Chilena para Flauta Dulce, 2015. Todos los derechos reservados · Diseñado por Natiz ·